Cyber security has never been more important to businesses today, especially with the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) coming into force in May 2018. Companies across the UK are facing more cyber-attacks than ever before and the vast majority of these security threats are being detected too late or going undetected all together.
So what can you do to improve your cyber security strategy?
Password rules…
Strong passwords are one of the first lines of defence against breaches. Having strong passwords is the easiest and most inexpensive way to better your cyber security. Typically, a strong password is eight characters or more, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols/special characters. In addition, changing them regularly will help keep hackers out.
Confidentiality policy…
Ensure all employees keep all information confidential. This includes information in the workplace for example, on their desks. As well as, information outside of the workplace e.g. viewing confidential information in public places.
IT Security audits…
This is a vital procedure that should regularly be conducted to assess your company’s IT security controls. A security audit is a systematic evaluation of your company’s security by measuring how well it conforms. A thorough audit will assess the security of the IT infrastructure’s physical configuration and network, environment, software, information handling processes and user practises.
Plan for the worst…
You can never be too prepared and having a pre-determined plan in place will allow you to combat any breaches if they should happen. It’s good to have a process in place that outlines how you will respond as a business to any cyber security attacks. This will help you protect your business, your businesses reputation and help you bounce back as quickly as possible.
Retire anything unused…
Anything with confidential information that is no longer being used should be destroyed. For example, any papers should be shredded and any devices with files no longer being used should be wiped. It’s also, worth keeping in mind turning off functions that are unused such as, video chat. This is limits any unauthorised access.
Regular updates…
Any connection to the internet is vulnerable and it’s a key feature hackers try to exploit. Keep every connection, operating system and application up to date. By carrying out system security updates, you limit the possible exposure to vulnerabilities.
Train your team…
One of the biggest vulnerabilities can be your own team. It is best to ensure that they are made aware of cyber security dangers and the best practice to prevent and combat them. This includes general advice such as, deleting suspicious emails and not using external USB sticks.
Find out how here how GMA can provide enhanced solutions and services to help protect your IT environment.