The need for large investments in servers and software no longer exists with cloud computing. The key is knowing what makes sense for your business. That is where we come in.
Everything you need, wherever you are
This is one of the great advantages of going to cloud computing. Documents, email, even software, available wherever you have an internet connection. Anywhere in the world. Now you and your team can be truly productive when mobile. A great option for existing businesses or start-ups and the changes can be transforming for your productivity and costs.
Always up to date
Traditionally software is purchased – often at substantial cost – installed and then apart from a few security updates, stays exactly as it is. Now with cloud computing you are always up to date with updates being delivered automatically. You also do not spend large amounts buying a licence – you usually pay per month, per user and only pay for what you need at that time. Gain more staff, then add extra licenses, need fewer installations of your software, then reduce the licenses.
When your documents are stored remotely, you have access to the latest revisions wherever you can connect to the internet. Collaboration and working together is now much easier, with your team able to work on documents at the same time.
Always backed-up
With your documents stored in large data centres with redundancy built-in, you now have a basic back-up strategy in place. Of course you need a proper resilience and recovery strategy in place, but cloud computing gives you a quick way to get started.
You are ready to switch to cloud computing
Great, but before you rush-off there are some important things to consider.
- Does it fit within your business? If you are regularly dealing in very large or complex files, then consider local storage with appropriate remote access for those staff not currently in the office.
- Do you need to review your security and data policies? Your data is accessible only by you, but it is not located on your premises. For some regulated organisations, this isn’t an option or requires special consideration.
- Is there any issue with your current infrastructure? Your firewall and internet connection may require upgrading or reconfiguration to keep everything working smoothly.
Now if any of these worry you or are issues, you could look towards a hybrid solution, mixing cloud computing and equipment on your premises.
You could migrate it yourself, but sadly there are always unforeseen issues. We have overseen migrations of just a small office through to multi-national consultancies. We minimise disruption to your team, undertake full testing and have in place strategies to deal with issues and to ensure business continuity.