If you’d like to get data-driven insights into your work habits to improve your productivity, you could try Microsoft 365 MyAnalytics platform. Here’s how:

  • Sign into your Microsoft 365 account.
  • Select MyAnalytics from the app drawer or click on the 9-dot square menu (top left) and select the ‘All Apps’ link and click on the ‘MyAnalytics’ link.
  • Here you can get insights into (and address issues like) ‘Focus’ (time you typically have leftover to focus on your tasks outside of meetings, emails, chats, and calls), ‘Well-Being’ /’Quiet Days’ (days without interruptions), ‘Collaboration’ (the percentage of your time spent in meetings, emails, chats, and calls), and ‘Network’ (whether you are proactively managing your network of collaborators).
  • MyAnalytics also shows what percentage of your week spent in meetings and what percentage of your calendar is booked when the week starts and makes recommendations to help.

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